5 février 2024

Interview FEAR THE FATE – 31.01.2024

Interview of FEAR THE FATE
31st January 2024.
Answers by Ivan Castro (multi-instrumentalist)
First photo (Ivan alone) sent by Ivan Castro
Second photo (FEAR THE FATE) sent by promotion AGAINST PR
Third photo (ENEMY AWAKE) sent by promotion AGAINST PR


Hello Ivan, before starting the interview I start by wishing you a happy new year 2024.

Thank you very very much, I wish you a very nice metal 2024 too!

How were the end of year celebrations? Tell us a little about it ?

I had a lot of work, both my regular work and with Enemy Awake and Fear the Fate, but I could celebrate the new year with my family.

If my information is correct, you were born in Peru, can you tell us a little story of your life by telling us about your childhood, your family, how you discovered music and what made you want to learn to play of an instrument ? What brought you to live in Sweden ?

I love this question or questions. Well yes I was born in Peru, in the capital Lima. When I was a kid I realy did not like to go to the school, I liked more to go to the rock stores with some friends, or listen to metal. I remember when I discovered Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Kiss and other bands, that was like discovery other universum! My family was a normal family with normal problems, I learned the most about life on the street, the best life school. My uncle liked to listen to rock and hardrock and he had a lot of vinyls, he had Kiss, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and more bands and I dont know, I did not like the music but something special happened, it was like a magnet, I think it was my call, that music changed my life for real.

I always dreamed about to stay on stage with my own guitar and my own band like my heroes did. But that was only a dream. When I was a kid I never had the possibilty to go to a music school, buy a guitar and make my dream come true, so that stayed there.

When I moved to Sweden I lived first in a smal city call Örebro, and I was thinking, and thinking and told to myself. Ivan you are now in Sweden, one of the best metal countries in the world and what are you waiting for ?? and yes I had the pleasure to meet my first sweden friend, he was an extreme talented guitar player who learned me some chords.

Then i moved to the capital Stockholm and I bought my first guitar and a little guitar amp for beginners. After that I just trained for myself and I learned much with videos (youtube) I never went to a music school, just learned by myself.

I was forced to leave my country Peru because the political situation in my country was in chaos. A lot of problems, violence, my country was close to start a civil war between the Goverment and the rebelion. So me and my family was forced to find a better future in other country. We had friends here in Sweden so I think thats why we choised Sweden.

photo Ivan Castro FEAR THE FATE and ENEMY AWAKE

I am calling on your memories, can you give us a summary of the journey you took at ETERNO from creation to separation ? Are you still in contact with members ?

Eterno! that was my first band I started in 2005 I think, that was me and my drummer Roger Eriksson. In that time we were very beginners as musician so we practiced and practiced and met different people to enjoy the band but i think after 3 years we were a full band when our singer Lasse came from Denmark. We played heavy metal and we recorded some eps and one album, even we had the opportunity to play a lot of shows in Sweden and even in Europe, we played in Norway, Spain, Italy and Czech Republic. Its was an amazing experience, to play in other countries, met a lot of people, that was a great adventure for me. But in 2016 our base player Peter Ljungberg got cancer and died after a short time fighting with that. That made the guys in the band lose the inspiration and motivation to continue with the band. We took a break and then the drummer and the singer moved to other city and there was the last episode for Eterno. I have a good contact with my drummer, he helped me with the live shows with Enemy Awake since 2018.

pochette ETERNO crossfire, EP 2010 pochette ETERNO reborn, EP 2012

If I'm not saying anything stupid you formed ENEMY INSIDE in 2017 to change your name and renamed the group ENEMY AWAKE why ?

Yes thats right. I was forced to change that name because there is other band with the same name and they are the owner of that name and thats why. I love the word Enemy, thats why i keeped Enemy and in the end I choosed Enemy Awake, and I think that sound better than Enemy Inside.


What made you want to form FEAR THE FATE and why the name ?

I work all the time with music, I have a lot of songs ideas, a lot of riffs and in different styles. I am working now with new songs for Enemy Awake, 4 new songs to the next EP and they are more Black Death, melodic and little groovy i think. But i even have some songs more in the Heavy Metal style so I was wonder, what can I do with this songs ? Thats why I decided to start other project (band) The name Fear The Fate, me and my singer Belinda was thinking about it, we had a lot of different names but we had also different ideas and in the end we said ok this name sound cool and no band with this name is on Spotify so why not ? We live in a world full of chaos, war, violence, the planet is dying and of course I feel that Fear the Fate says what we realy feel about the future. The future can bring fear but can bring hope too.

How would you best describe the musical style of ENEMY AWAKE and that of FEAR THE FATE ?

For me the music I make with Enemy Awake is Melodic Swedish Groove Death Metal and with Fear The Fate is Swedish Heavy Metal.

You could also have taken the place of singer in ENEMY AWAKE and FEAR THE FATE but why didn't you do it?

I am not a singer, I realy tried, trust me, I sing only in the shower :)

We notice in your two groups that the singer's place is occupied only by women. Why and for what reasons ? Explain this to us ?

Enemy Awake have the brutal Swedish sound like Entombed, Dismember so I tried to do something different. All the Melodic Death Metal bands like Arch Enemy for exemple, they have a more comercial sound, mainstream, and I think Enemy Awake is the only band with the Chainsaw sound who has a female singer. In Fear The Fate I was looking for a singer, male or female and when Belinda got in contact with me I felt she was the one for the band. That was the Fate :)

photo FEAR THE FATE Ivan and Belinda 2023
FEAR THE FATE : Ivan and Belinda

photo ENEMY AWAKE Rebecca and Ivan 2021
ENEMY AWAKE : Rebecca and Ivan

Apart from music, what are your other activities on a personal and professional level ?

I am an assistant nurse and work as a psychiatric aides.

This year, France will be in the spotlight because it is organizing the Olympic Games. First of all, are you interested? When do you think and how do you see this? Do you plan to attend?

I think the Olympic games is ok, I am not a big fan but I like football and martial arts so i use to follow Peru and Sweden if they come to the OG.

I was in Paris for a couple of years ago and I love that city, and I feel i must to come back to France but the next time I think i need a guide !

Last question, do you have anything to add, to clarify or a message to convey ?

We live in a beautiful world, we survived the pandemic and got a second chance to be better. We can be better persons, we can do better to save this world and we need each other to win this war against darkness. Never give up, just keep fight to the end !


pochette FEAR THE FATE fight the fear, EP 2023
« Fight The Fear »
EP 4 titres (16’22’’)
Heavy Metal – Suède - disponible, sorti le 31.12.2023.
Chronique le 03.01.2024


pochette ENEMY AWAKE fallen world 2021
« Fallen World »
8 titres (34’17’’)
Death Metal Mélodique – Suède – Disponible, sorti le 14.02.2021
Chronique le 18.02.2021

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